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Functions Example 3D Preview

Function example 3D Preview will be in product page and 3D Preview will be displayed after completed part no.

3D Preview

3D Preview control panel

Control panel 1 : from top to bottom

  1. 1.Model Shading: option to display shading object
  2. 2.Model position: option to display object by position adjustment
  3. 3.Virtual Reality: option to view object reality
  4. 4.Additional function: Zoom, Cut, Screenshot

Control panel 2 : from left to right

  1. 1.Cut: display section view
  2. 2.Animation: display object motion
  3. 3.Isometric view: display Isometric view
  4. 4.Edges: display contour view
  5. 5.Shaded with edges: display shading and contour view

How to control 3D Preview

Rotate object - Left click on object and move around
Zoom object - press Ctrl + move up or move down on mouse scroll wheel to zoom

3D Preview disappeared after complete part no.

Internet Explorer (Install program ActiveX Control)

To display 3D Preview for selected product. You have to install 'ActiveX Control' into browser first.
*In case haven't install ActiveX Control

  1. 1.If pop up 3D Preview is appeared with message "This site might require the following ActiveX control…" Press button 'Intall' for program installation
    ฟังก์ชั่น 3D Preview
  2. 2.Then a window will be appeared, cilck "Yes" for downloading program
    Function 3D Preview

* In case ActiveX is installed unsucessfully

Please proceed in Internet Explorer as following

  1. 1.go to 'Internet Option' and click menu 'Tool'
  2. 2.click tab 'Security'
  3. 3.click icon 'Internet'
  4. 4.click button 'Custom Level' to allow for ActiveX installation
  5. 5.click 'Prompt' or 'Enable' in 'Download signed ActiveZ controls'
Function 3D Preview

See more information how to install www.partsolutions.com/webviewer

Firefox (Java installation)

To display 3D Preview for selected product. You have to install Java into browser first
Please see how to install Java here