(!) Since support from Microsoft will end on January 14 2020, Windows 7 user might not be able to use MISUMI website effectively. Please consider to update your system as ‘MISUMI Website system requirement’.

  • การยกเลิกจำหน่ายสินค้าประเภทอุปกรณ์นิวเมติกส์ (Pneumatic equipment) รุ่น “Economy Series”​ | Notice of End of Sales for Economy Series Pneumatic Equipment Category > คลิก

My Components

Customers can keep interested product or part no. in folder in menu 'My Components'
and can create folders to keep product by category as well
Click Save part numbers to see process.

If click folder on the right menu then will show selected product list in the folder.
You can select some product to proceed 'Add to cart' or move to folder in menu 'My Components' list.

After login, customer can click menu 'My Components' from 3 locations

  1. 1. Click menu 'My Components' on the top menu of the website.
  2. 2. Click User tab at the top menu and click menu 'My Components'
  3. 3. Click folder 'My Components' on the right menu and select product to proceed to the next step.
My Components

After click the folder, Window will be appeared and show product list
Customer can select some product to proceed next step like 'Add to cart' or 'Move' to other folder

My Components

How to see product list in

Product list will be in 'Main folder' and click some product to see information

My Components

How to 'Add to Cart' from 'My Components'

Product list in menu 'My Components' can be selected to add in 'Add to Cart' and proceed 'Order' process

**Require complete part no. to add in 'Add to cart'

Click product selection

My Components

My Components

How to move product to other folder

Select some product want to move and click button 'Move' for moving
Choose destination folder and click 'Move to select folder'

My Components

My Components

How to delete product from folder

Select some product want to delete and click 'Trashcan' icon to delete product

My Components

My Components

How to create a new folder

Click button 'Create Folder' and input folder name and click button 'Create New'

My Components

My Components

How to rename folder

Select a folder want to reanme and click button 'Rename Folder'
input a new name and click button 'Change' to rename

My Components

My Components

How to move folder

Select a folder want to move and click button 'Move to Folder'
Choose a folder to move then select a destination folder and click button 'Move to selected folder'

My Components

My Components