(!) Since support from Microsoft will end on January 14 2020, Windows 7 user might not be able to use MISUMI website effectively. Please consider to update your system as ‘MISUMI Website system requirement’.

  • แจ้งวันหยุดซัพพลายเออร์ในเดือนมกราคมและวันหยุดทำการมิซูมิในเดือนกุมภาพันธ์ 2568 ​ Notice Chinese New Year Holiday in January and MISUMI's in February 2025 > คลิก
  • การยกเลิกจำหน่ายสินค้าประเภทอุปกรณ์นิวเมติกส์ (Pneumatic equipment) รุ่น “Economy Series”​ | Notice of End of Sales for Economy Series Pneumatic Equipment Category > คลิก

Quotation and Order


If there are some problems in the process of quotation or order. customers can click button 'Contact MISUMI' to contact MISUMI by 2 cases

Case 1: Remaining product in stock is not enough to proceed. Customer can click button 'Contact MISUMI'

Product in stock is not enough to proceed

Then Inquiry form will be displayed to input quantity and delivery date
after complete the form, click button 'Send Inquiry' to submit inquiry to MISUMI

Input quantity and delivery date

Case 2: Incorrect part no. or cannot find part no.

Incorrect part no. or cannot find part no.

Customer can click button 'Contact MISUMI' and Inquiry form will be displayed
after complete the form, click button 'Send Inquiry' to submit inquiry to MISUMI

Contact MISUMI

After send Inquiry, Pop-up window will be appeared to display 'Inquiry's submitted successfully'
(for both cases and can click button 'See Inquiry list')

Inquiry's submitted successfully

To follow up and check status Inquiry list
If got reply from MISUMI that the product can be found as requested
when button 'Add to cart' is appeared, customer can click to add product in Cart and proceed to order as usual

Proceed to order as usual