ESCO Anti-Vibration Gloves
Antivibration gloves reduce the vibration's effects on your hands and body. They are used when working with tools that generate vibration, such as chainsaws, brush cutters and grinders. There are various types available, including vibration-mitigating gloves, anti-vibration and cut-resistant gloves, and room-temperature and indoor types. Materials used include artificial leather, polyester, neoprene rubber and natural rubber latex. Being subjected to vibration on the hands and arms for an extended period of time through construction work and so on may cause hand-arm vibration syndrome. Antivibration gloves are essential protective gear for preventing hand-arm vibration syndrome. However, they can be torn or punctured when handling knives or pointed objects, and they can cause an electric shock when working with live equipment. For these reasons, it is important to consider the application and choose a pair of gloves of a suitable size.