Mesh is general equipment, which can use for many purposes, mostly use for protecting something. It can be selected based on many product specifications for example shapes like square round, type of mesh e.g. weld wire, woven wire, punching metal and punching metal with protection film, wire diameter, sieve mesh sizes, number of meshes and materials such as stainless steel, aluminum, vinyl, etc. Moreover, you can customize the size of the mesh by yourself. The recommended brands for mesh consist of MISUMI, CHUKOH, ESCO, TRUSCO, etc. Especially MISUMI brand, all of these products provided 3D CAD files for checking the appearance, dimension and position before installation. Currently, meshes are offered in a total of 94 items. Mesh from MISUMI and other brands are free delivery and with no minimum order, so if you have any questions about product selection or any concerned points, we have specialists to support any inquiries.