AS ONE Gas Mask Parts
Gas mask parts are consumables, such as absorbent cans, replacement exhaust valves, adjustable straps, etc. used for the mask of the gas mask. In order to use the gas mask safely, it is important to replace it during the period when the desorbing ability of the canister is lost or the breakthrough time. There are various types of absorbent cans, and it is important to attach a can from the five types for organic gas, halogen gas, sulfurous acid gas, ammonia, and carbon monoxide that have passed the national certification are selected as appropriate for the working environment. In addition, the external filter of the absorption can with dust-proof function is also a consumable item. In addition, in order to ensure that the mask fits on the face, it is necessary to periodically change the adjustable strap, and depending on the type of mask, there are replacement exhaust valves and pressure-resistant hoses for air line masks. 1