RS Pro Alarms
An alarm is a device that emits sound or light and transmits it to the surroundings when an abnormal situation or danger is detected. There are various types, such as those having sensors that detect humans as a countermeasure against thieves, those that detect smoke when a fire occurs, those that detect gas leaks and water leaks, and those that intimidate intruders by detecting the impact or breakage of windows and doors. There are also sprays that can check for gas leaks simply by spraying. The location of the alarm device varies depending on the device, such as the ceiling, door, or wall. There are a wide variety of operating methods, including those that use batteries, those that use motors, and those that take power from an outlet, so it is necessary to consider the product depending on the installation environment. In addition, there are various methods of notifying abnormalities such as sound and light, so it is important to select a product that matches the application.