Lids / Protection Lids
Lids, protective lids and gutter gratings are covers placed on water drainage gutters that do not need any construction. These products prevent objects from falling into gutters inside or outside buildings, and help prevent hazards and odors. Round and square shaped types are available. Round types are mainly used as manhole covers, and the cover has a special pattern arrangement to prevent slipping during rain. Square types are used as covers for gutters alongside public roads, and types with a grid construction where the contents of the gutter are visible are called "grating". This type is more lightweight than a concrete lid and has excellent water drainage performance. When selecting a gutter grating, check the gutter shape, load conditions and usage conditions. Dedicated fittings such as handles and mounting tools are also available. In addition, manhole covers for interlocking blocks, a type of concrete block used for road paving, are available.