TRUSCO Sheet Metal Tools

Sheet metal tools are tools used for sheet metal operations such as cutting, bending, grasping and tapping. There are various types of sheet metal tools, and different tools can be used for the same task. When producing a three-dimensional shape from a single iron plate, work is performed using different types such as seaming pliers, bucking blocks and bolster chisels. Sheet metal tools must be suitable for the size and material of the plate on which work is performed. There are several types of tools for gripping a plate to be processed, but for work involving fire, use forging tongs with a handle length of 30 cm or more. If sheet metal tools are used for other purposes, their accuracy will be reduced and they will be damaged, hindering sheet metal work, so they are used as dedicated tools. In addition, there are anvils that are convenient for forming shapes, but their shape, size, and weight vary depending on the intended use. Swage blocks with small holes that are convenient for beating work have a variety of nominal weights from 10 kg to 100 kg, and are selected according to the work site used.