A flat door is a door that forms a flat wall when closed, together with parts to be used. There is no need to avoid the door when opening, and the door will not be in the way after opening. Arm type hinges used for flat doors move a door in parallel and open it along small tracks. They can be mounted on cabinets and sliding doors, and can be placed where space in front of the door is limited. In addition, they also have high safety, such as the ability to stop at any position and close slowly thereafter. Products for lightweight doors, medium-sized doors, and sliding doors are also available. In addition, revolving doors that open and close such that the door revolves along a radius can provide a large effective opening even in a small space. They operates like sliding doors, but do not require a draw-in space like a sliding door. One of their features is that the floor is flat and there is no worry about tripping because they are suspended from above.