SUGATSUNE Folding Door Units
The folding door parts are the parts that make up the folding door. A folding door is a door that can be opened and closed by folding a hinged door. Types with two doors are common, but there are also three-fold and four-fold types. It features a wide opening and requires little space for opening and closing. When opening and closing, the runners installed at the top and bottom of the door move along the guide rails arranged at the top and bottom. For folding doors without a lower guide rail, the runner is attached only to the top of the door. The parts to be installed on the hanging side of the door are called pivots, and they are used in combination with the bipot receiving bracket, so care must be taken because there are upper and lower pivots. In addition, there are upper stoppers used for 3-fold folding doors, etc., and a wrench for adjusting the pivot.