RS Pro Stepladders
A stepladder is a type of transportable steps. It is used for interior work, indoor wiring work, and maintenance. Because the folded part can be secured by opening into a mountain shape, it is also suitable for work at high places. Mainstream material is aluminum, is lightweight, and some are easy to carry and store. There are two types, a ladder-combined-stepladder that can be used when extended even as a ladder, and a dedicated stepladder used only as a stepladder. In addition, since stepladders come in a wide range of heights ranging from 80 cm to 400 cm, it is necessary to select according to the work situation such as one that can be used against a wall, or one that makes top board work easy. There are also those that have excellent safety, durability, workability, and corrosion resistance. There are dedicated leg covers that can prevent slipping or overturning, give floor protection, etc., so must be combined according to the operating environment.